stola - a long garment, descending to the ankles, worn by Roman women over the tunic;...

The Stola Society

Had you been in Ensenada on August Seventh, and happened upon a certain beach between one and four in the afternoon, you might have caught a glimpse of something...odd. Five people sat around a board, as the wind howled and hurled sand everywhere, and tried to play a game of Scrabble. Who knows, maybe once or twice you might have watched as the wind picked up the blanket and scattered the pieces in all directions, or as someone, turning absent-mindedly, accomplished the same feat with the corner of a towel. Had you seen this, you would have been one of the privileged few to look upon the very first Stola Society Scrabble Game, the one that began it all.

And here is a photo of the state the board found itself in in the aftermath of the word-war. (Actually, this may be before the end... the tiles in the foreground could have easily created manor or moron, and perhaps other words as well)

Since then, the Society has held three other contests, and once again, the person writing this was soundly defeated, save once.

Game Logs

From henceforth, a summary of each (semi-annual) game shall be made here, with pictures, courtesy of 7 Style Guides.

Summer 2004:

We met at Alicia's house, and given her lack of AC, went outside and set up the board on the patio. The game was interrupted when Alicia and Stina went to get pizza, of a very peculiar (BBQ chicken!) variety, and soon afterwards moved back inside, as night had fallen. Near the end of the game (probably the last turn, in fact), Tim and I had an argument about the rules, and, confident I was right, I took his bet. I still owe him a dollar.

The Victor

Final Score
First Place, Tim, with 112
Second Place, Gregg, with 89
Third Place, Morgan, with 87
Fourth Place, Christina, with 82
Fifth Place, Alicia, with 78

Definitions of Note:

including unusual words used in Stola Games, as well as any unusual word used on this site, or that I happen to find interesting. Unless otherwise noted, definitions are from The New Twentieth Century Dictionary, 1941 edition.

stola - "a long garment, descending to the ankles, worn by Roman women over the tunic; it was fastened round the body by a girdle, leaving broad folds above the breast, and had a flounce sewed to the bottom. It was the characteristic dress of the Roman matrons, as the toga was of the men, and was not allowed to be worn by women divorced from their husbands, or by courtesans"

awisk - no acceptable definition formulated as yet

crantara - 1) (from the Grandiloquent Dictionary) "a burnt piece of wood dipped in blood and taken from clan to clan as a signal." 2) "the fiery cross which formed the rallying symbol in the Highlands of Scotland on any sudden emergency, so called because disobedience to what the symbol implied, inferred infamy."
see What IS CranTara? for more information.

fie - an expletive expressing contempt, disapproval, or like sentiments; also written fy

glew - (coined in 2002) a past tense of glow, includes the idea of shining.

wold - a forest Obs.; an open country, a weald, a down

weald - a piece of open forest land, a woody place or woody waste, a wold.

wust - an obsolete past tense of wit."

wan - (From The Lays of Beleriand) dark

I shall add other definitions as they occur to me, or as they are suggested.